Thursday, August 28, 2008
School's design
Our school have used different kinds of design principle,; one of them is that the building will be transparent with open spaces and a lot of light. I believe that the school have reached this goal because they does have a lot of light in the building which comes from the huge windows that you have every 10 meters. There is a lot of space in school which is good because than you will have more space to walk around the school. The big windows are good because than you will have a lot of light and you will use the electricity less. I think that they have reached the goal.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The videos

The first video is talking about London's underground. London's Underground map was very revolutionary, because it hasn't been designed in a geographical way. At first they had this messy map, because they have designed by a geographical way. They showed the distance between the stations and it looked very complicated. After a lot of tryouts they got a map without distance. The most updated map had only the stations. It also following the design principle of "form follows function".
The second video is talking about a new design of furniture. Around the 1950 the world has found out that they can use another materials for design for example plastic. By using new materials the designers could design new shapes and patterns. It is a great design because it never got changed.
My company
My company is B190. B190 is a company that works on a computer's design and software. The B190 is working on a computers that will be used in space. They are working on the computers of the future. Which means a lot of cool designs so it will be easy to use in space. They also design useful programs for astronauts. I will like to design their website, blog, software and probably everything.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Pre Course Survey
1. Describe some of the large design technology projects or assignments you have done in the past? (Products made such as posters, movies, web page; the software you used; and the steps in the process like planning, editing, evaluation, research)
* In The past I have made some posters on the computer by photoshop CS3 or Publisher. I also made a lot of movies for different family events. For movies I usually used media maker and DVD maker. I had a website before I did the regular staff, and I know how to play with html (a little bit). I also made brochures and different signs for different schools. And lastly I made some signatures to different people on the web. I am usually planning my work on a sheet of paper. I just right what I want and how it should look like and than I am just going for it. Before I start working I usually do some research on the subject.
2. What would you like or what are you hoping to learn about in this course and what prompted you to sign up?
* When I have signed up for this course I hoped that we are going to study about html and photoshop. I want to study javascript and flash and I thought that this course will be a good place to study it. I hope that we will study how to build a site by using html and scripts.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Design principles

Form follows function
In the late 1910s two principles of design were adopted by the Bauhaus (major school of modern architectural design developed in Germany). Those two principles were "form follows function" and "ornament is a crime". The industrial design in America has been during the years 1925 to 1939. Companies can have a lot of problems with the first principle because it is not easy to fit every design to its function. The design needs to be accepted by the people; if the design is not accepted than it won't be sold. The second principle isn’t always right because in architecture ornamentation is part of the function. The function of the design decides its form.The computer's Mouse
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Great design

Great design 1
The design needs to be understandable by most of the people. Most of the things that are considered as good design are not always so good (too complicated).Designs are not always fit to their needs. Designs are not so easy to use all the time.
Great design 2
It is hard to fit a design to its need.The really important thing in design is to make the object very cheap. Good design adds value to an object. A good design is the most important feature in an object. It is not easy to design different objects; there are a lot of needs.
Great design 3
A great design should be famous.When an object has a good design and it is suitable to the user’s need, the more people will buy it. A very important thing in design is usability. The usability is a very important thing in design but it is not everything.
The Computer's mouse design
In article one it says that the design needs to be easy to use and the computer’s mouse is very easy to use. You got only two buttons on it, left button and right button. In some computer’s mouse you have a roll button in the middle, which is very easy to use you just roll it.
In article 2 it says that the design should be cheap and most of the mousses are pretty cheap. The cheapest mouse will cost around 10 franks while a good mouse will cost about 50 franks. A good mouse will cost more because its design and its usability will be better. Just as it says on the second article that design gives more value to an object.
In article 3 it says that the design needs to have a good usability and this mouse has it. This mouse is very usability because it is small so you can put it in your pocket and connect it into a regular USB port. It also says that the object needs to have a famous design; and the mouse has a very famous design, everyone knows how it looks like.
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