This guy Alex had a really cool idea. He took a variety of viruses and thought about their actions and way of working. He thought about the right colors that will represent them the best and designed each one of them in an artistic kind of way. He did very common viruses (My favorite one is the STORM).
Felix's article- "Blackberry Storm" is a really cool phone; its sleek, better than the iphone, and has a battery life of 15 days!
Sakkti's article- "The Design Environment" It was pretty new to me that the design environment affects the designs (I cleaned my room after I read it).
Adrian's article- "The Bic pen" It was really good to find out that the shape of the Bic pen and the whole design of it is logical. I just noticed how comfortable it is.
This article states the steps for web design. It says that you have 10 steps in designing a website; the ten steps are very important and if you follow all of them you will probably get a perfect website. The steps are:
Logos are used to represent the company's ideas. This logo has a mixture of opposite colors which are blue and orange. The blue represents the water that the galaxy crop is looking for and the orange is used to represent the sun and creativity. The company's aim is to rich the sun and to find water on other planets so we will have more space to live on.